First date questions work on two levels – helping you find out more about your date and sending them signals about your interest in them.

1. Start with a compliment.
It’s always a good strategy to start with a genuine compliment. This will help break the ice and make your date feel more at ease.

2. Take your time.
Your date shouldn’t feel he/she is on a job interview, so avoid firing questions one after another. Give them time to answer and wait to see if they have questions of their own before asking another question. Hopefully, as they feel more at ease, they will try to get to know you as well.

3. Mix first date questions and topics.
Mix and match the first date questions and topics we provide here. You should start with simple ‘yes or no’ questions and gradually build your way to open-ended questions, which can lead to conversations.

4. Don’t stick to the list.
By no means should you try to stick to the list or learn it by heart. Use some of these first date questions as icebreakers when there’s a lull in conversation and then go with the flow, allowing conversation to unfold naturally.

Safe First Date Conversation Topics & Questions

1. Don’t bring up past relationships.
As a general rule, you should avoid asking your date about past relationships. This may be a sore topic for them or one they would rather not talk about. Either way, you wouldn’t want the ghosts of the past to cast a shadow on your first date.

2. Got any brothers or sisters?
Asking about siblings is usually a safe icebreaker. It can lead to a longer conversation and showing an interest in your date’s life will make you look good.

3. Have you got a pet?
People are generally very close to their pets so, if your date has got one, he/she’ll enjoy an opportunity to talk about them. The way people relate to their pets can tell you a lot about how they approach relationships in general.

4. Where did you grow up?
Questions about someone’s childhood can give you an insight into the core of their personality and who they are today.

5. Traveled anywhere special?
As first date questions go, asking about past travel destinations or future travel plans is solid gold. Talking about places he/she’s visited or plans to visit can help you find out more about your date’s interests and whether they match your own.

6. What do you do?
Even if some people do not like to talk about work, your date will appreciate your showing an interest in their life. Whether they seem enthusiastic or admit they are not at all happy with their current job, this is a great opportunity for you to show support and encouragement.

7. What do you do for fun?
Another essential item on the list of first date questions. Asking about your date’s favorite spare time pursuits, sports or the kind of music he/she likes can give you an insight into your shared interests and things you could do together. Furthermore, this topic opens a wide avenue to follow-up questions.

8. So what are your plans for the weekend/holidays?
First date questions work on two levels – helping you find out more about your date and sending them signals about your interest in them. This is a case in point, which can tell you a lot about your date’s interests and may also send a signal you hope to see them again.

9. If you had to go on a desert island, what would be the three things you would take with you?
The desert island question is a great way to find out more about your date’s priorities, about the things he/she values most in life.


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