MediaTakeOut is the only gossip site in the world reporting that Chris Brown is about to be locked up for 2 years. If it was TMZ reporting this, I'd be really worried, but MTO have a way of exaggerating things. Hopefully this is not true. Below is how they are reporting Chris Brown's impending jail time.
MediaTakeOut.com just spoke with a very well placed insider - inside the Los Angeles Probation Department - and they tell us that they will ask that Chris Brown be taken to jail immediately  for two years..
The insider told us that the decision has already been made - they want Chris in jail for two years. And the department is working on a brief as we speak - to ensure that Chris gets locked up.
According to our insider, there is not much that Chris Brown can do about it either. They explained, "[Chris] lawyer can't really stop him from getting locked up. Only the judge can save Chris . . . but no one expects that to happen."
According to our insider Chris is expected to be locked up as early as next week.
Who believes this?


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